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Comment count is 6
glasseye - 2008-11-11

This has to be a dupe, it's ancient.

baleen - 2008-11-11

it is. very old.

Gamara II - 2008-11-11

This is EXACTLY what I want to do every time I see one of those fucking PT crusiers. FUCK those things. FUCK those horrible pieces of ugly shit. UGH! FUCK! I wish I had a crowbar right now. I got one of those as a rental car recently and they're even worse to drive than they look. It's like the car is actively trying to kill you at any speed above 30mph. Crappy handling aside, the aesthetic design is abominable. That lady deserved all that and more. Crazy bum-dude deserves a goddamn medal.

The Faghorn - 2008-11-11

Oh! My car!

Umaro - 2008-11-11

Something about violence against someone completely random bothers me.

socialist_hentai - 2008-11-11

this is off bumfights... i tought poe had some class...

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