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Comment count is 23
Chalkdust - 2010-08-05

pshh, lightweights!

RocketBlender - 2010-08-05

I'm freakin out, man!

Pillager - 2010-08-05

I can quit any time I want.

augias - 2010-08-05

He's never early, he's always late
First thing you learn is that you always gotta wait

cognitivedissonance - 2010-08-05

The porno music isn't helping.

kingarthur - 2010-08-05

It's like cat porn. Of course, this is POETV, so we're all cat lovers around here...

cognitivedissonance - 2010-08-05

To be fair, it's usually kitty porn, making us a bunch of purrdephiles.

Syd Midnight - 2010-08-05

1:33 im gonna do that if they legalize weed, just rub a bag all over my face all I LOVE YOU SO FUCKIN MUCH

Mute it and play better music

Old_Zircon - 2010-08-05

I bet if it's legal the price goes up.

facek - 2010-08-05

yeah but it'd be the end of getting stuck with shitty weed.

baleen - 2010-08-05

I'm not a cat lover. I'm cool with tigers though.

kennydra - 2010-08-05

or it will all be shitty weed.

kingofthenothing - 2010-08-05

Joseph was just holding out for a bigger bag.

longwinded - 2010-08-05

5 star'd and favorited before I hit play

mouser - 2010-08-05

Well soon be seeing videos of dudes throwing catnip bags into zoo pens.

charmlessman - 2010-08-05

What I learned from this: If I'm ever in danger of being attacked by a large cat, throw a paper bag full of catnip, then film the adorable results.

happninmojo - 2010-08-05

If the cast of Cats reenacted a scene from "Blow"...

memedumpster - 2010-08-05

My cat cares fuck all for catnip. Can't get him to drink with me either.

Syd Midnight - 2010-08-06

Some 10% of cats lack whatever gene makes you enjoy catnip, sucks to be those cats.

ogmisce - 2010-08-05


fluffy - 2010-08-05

oh man my paws are so big

oh maaaaan i never noticed that wow

Kumquatxop - 2010-08-06


goat - 2010-08-06

From about 2:30 on is the purest expression of "Did anyone else just hear a police siren? I swear I just heard a police siren." I've ever seen on any animal. Clearly this was Zabu's first time getting high.

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