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Comment count is 8
Xenocide - 2011-07-06

Oh, I know where I've seen this character before. She's from that cutesy romance show where she and her best friend like the same boy. And then at the end, she hacks her friend to death and elopes with a duffel bag containing her boyfriend's severed head.

Ha ha, I'm not kidding, Japan why do you exist.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-07-06

Well, in her defense, that friend did stab her boyfriend to death. And in that friend's defense, the boyfriend got her pregnant and then immediately abandoned her after finding out.

There's no defending the boyfriend. He was a jackass.

longwinded - 2011-07-06

oh holy fuck I thought you were kidding

this time for sure I thought

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-07-06

This person has more money than they deserve.

Cena_mark - 2011-07-06

Just a typical Weeaboo here.

Macho Nacho - 2011-07-06

Where is the nice boat?

badideasinaction - 2011-07-06

I swear you can almost hear the doubt and sadness in his voice. He's trying really hard to convince the video camera this is his choice.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-13

You should've filmed the party you had for Sakura's birthday, Cam. That would've been a lot of fun!

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