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Comment count is 14
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-11-27

This is amazing. There have been so many videos recently of white cops harassing black people. Now we have white people harassing black cops. Seems to be a general white on black harassment, regardless of status otherwise, goin on.

Also the kid.. Seems like the most entitled, enbubbled little fucker imaginable.
He needs to get the shit kicked out of him (It would be a learning experience for him and perhaps make him a better person)

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2016-11-27

This was 4 years ago fyi, but to your other point do you think this type of behavior can be fixed that late in life? This kid needed the shit kicked out of him years ago.

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2016-11-27

*needed the shit kicked out of him more than 4 years ago.

bawbag - 2016-11-27

That's some white people-ing for sure.

jfcaron_ca - 2016-11-27

This isn't about this particular display of arrogance, but:

don't those little three-wheel standee non-segway things look like a prop from some bureaucratic dystopia?

Also, in what world are those better than just getting the cops on bicycles? I guess they can hide some kind of crowd-control horror in the box...

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-11-27

I always saw them as the kind of thing a stingy Johnny Quest villain would have his henchmen ride.

M-DEEM - 2016-11-27

This video will help determine who poetv hates more, whites or cops. So far its whites

That guy - 2016-11-27


bawbag - 2016-11-27


chumbucket - 2016-11-28


Albuquerque Halsey - 2016-11-27


Caminante Nocturno - 2016-11-27

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15th - 2016-11-27

Someone ran out of Adderall.

Also, fuck longboards on the sidewalk, BRO.

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2016-11-27

I'll add some context because I frequent this campus.

ODU is in Norfolk, VA but a lot of people commute from the beach. A lot of those commuting are what you call "Navy brats" because half of the families in this area have at least one active duty parent, so they move around often and have an inflated sense of ego on account of they're attention seekers mostly (they think that's how you make friends), causing them to eventually lash out at most everyone they meet. Combine that with the "go fuck yourself" attitude that is inherent with longboarding, add in a pinch of faggoty beach bum and you get a fucking asshole that weaves all over the sidewalk as fast as he can while wearing the least nimble sandals one can buy.
That said, ODU cops are notoriously shitty because parts of the campus are kinda ghetto. Everyone around here knows not to fuck with them for the most part, so this cop must've actually fucked up or otherwise this kid would have been seriously fucked up.
There's another good video of the cops from this campus, I'll put it in the hopper.

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