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Chicken the Did - 2020-03-30

My favorite Moe story was how he took off in a rage after a director when Larry was 'accidentally' injured in a stunt. The director could only run for his life. Imagine a pissed off Moe Howard chasing you.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-03-31

During the sixties, The Stooges had a home on New York City Television at OFFICER JOE BOLTON'S CLUBHOUSE, on WPIX 11, and I'll never forget when Moe came to visit. He was humble, he was soft spoken, he was openly grateful that his legacy was being kept alive. I must have been ten, and it made an impression on me. It was a very formative lesson in what it means to be a gentleman.

Oh, and fucking Mike Douglas! He seems like such a nobody, his singing was unimpressive, but that show was just amazing! He'd get the biggest names in show business to cohost an hour and a half a day for five days. Somewhere, in a vault there's seven and a half hours of Louis Armstrong, like maybe three months before he died, shooting the shit with just about anyone: stand up comedians, rocks stars, fashion designers, maybe the guy with the word's largest collection of burlesque memorabilia. Has everyone seen the clip with Gene Simmons and Totie Fields? That was the Mike Douglas show. I'd watch the shit out of that right now!

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