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Comment count is 17
cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-18

Couldn’t have happened to a more thoroughly convinced of their own immortality cohort.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-18

The problem is these are two different kinds of boomers.

You had the middle & upper-class kids who marched against the war in Vietnam. It turned out, they didn't actually oppose war, they just opposed being sent to fight in war. It was easy for them to take over when they grew up because they stayed in college getting degrees and making connections and when they grew up & took over, they got the US into war after war saying it was okay to send other people to die in war now because it's a voluntary army. They also sucked up all those luscious defense budget dollars.

And they wrecked the economy with union-busting and outsourcing overseas.

The people who went to war, came back with PTSD and got their college degrees too late to get in on the game saw their wages go down and/or their jobs vanish.

People like Bill and Hillary Clinton aren't going to end up in a homeless shelter, but they made sure lots of other people their age will.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-18

They had mean ol’ Jimmy Carter tell them to put on a sweater when cold, and they damned the entire planet.

radiosquido - 2023-10-18

No problem. Every boomer who wants to live forever just goes to an ER, ends up in an ICU, and then we spend several million dollars for a couple weeks of what is essentially theater to purport the fantasy. When their heart finally stops beating we do CPR for maybe another thirty to sixty minutes. They're in complete agony up until the end, but hey by then they're so pumped full of synthetic adrenaline and pain killers and sedation and their brain is so starved of oxygen who knows what they're actually feeling. Sometimes we even hook up heart and lung machines to just cycle oxygenated blood through their bodies on a continuous flow--their heart isn't beating, their neurons aren't firing, but, dammit, we will not stop. Total madness.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-18

Jimmy Carter was anti-regulation. He laid the groundwork for companies to become what they became under Reagan.

He's a better former president than president.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-19

Disco had too many gays, blacks and women, had to vote Reagan.

ashtar. - 2023-10-21

Boomers were the last generation that was able to be kinda middle class on a mass basis. All that money is going to be transferred to long term care companies.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-18

the monetary policy of the administration that you all voted for is officially 'workers have too much bargaining power and their wages are too high'

Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-18

We won't vote our way out of this.

glasseye - 2023-10-18

Dang I didn't know that was Scooby Doo's policy, or that he won the election! I guess I'll have to vote for Velma next time.

Nominal - 2023-10-18

and you won't lift a finger for any revolution either.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your apathy and laziness.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-19

I have a pile of books I’d like to read, cats to pet anc maybe 20 years of health, apathy is what not paying me for enthusiasm gets.

teethsalad - 2023-10-19

lol @ all these armchair revolutionaries thinking they're going to shitpost and podcast their way to the great leap forward

yeah dudes sure the sitting president joined a UAW picket line but who needs incremental change or consensus or tangible gains when you can type up walter mitty wetdreams about pol pot'ing your enemies instead

Crackersmack - 2023-10-21

show me the incremental change

ashtar. - 2023-10-21

President Doo and his patriots are in control! "Joe Biden" is just vice-president Shaggy wearing a rubber mask.

ashtar. - 2023-10-21

Doo-anon is not a conspiracy theory. Don't believe the media.

ashtar. - 2023-10-21

There's a shit ton of old people living in their cars. A lot of them have serious health problems. There's a long waiting list to even get a bed at the salvation army around here. Shelter beds have been reduced in my area since covid, but demand is higher.

I dated a woman who worked in a medicare funded long term care facility. I drove her to and from work and visited frequently. Based on what I saw, you should consider a plan to euthanize yourself before ending up in one.

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