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Comment count is 8
Frank Rizzo - 2008-05-27


Dinkin Flicka - 2008-05-27

"He's a good journalist but I do think he has assumptions in his reporting that I disagree with."

Disagreeing with simple addition and subtraction delivers a real blow to anyone's credibility.

Camonk - 2008-05-27

I like how this guy plays himself off as a badass. "Are you sure you want me to reply to that?" Like he's gonna take the guy down to school in the car of pain.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-05-27

the response was perfect.

"no not really"

Blaise - 2008-05-27

It seems there is a contingent in the Democratic Party that wants to continue the success the NeoCons had with their "we just have to say it enough times to make it a valid argument" style of politics.

This strategy hasn't seemed to lend itself to sound US policy though, and I sure hope it gets nipped.

Xenocide - 2008-05-28

Five stars for Jamal Simmons and his transsexual aunt. Bring him back, CNN! And whiskey him up a bit first.

Bonus love for Lanny crying FURSECUTION there at the end.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-28

Lanny Davis sounds like a very angry, yelling Droopy.

chumbucket - 2008-05-28

I suspect American Idol votes are next +2025 +Florida +Michigan +pixie dust

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