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Comment count is 10
kennydra - 2008-12-12

Yes! This was my favorite as a kid!

Menudo con queso - 2008-12-12

Around the time this was made, John K (Ren & Stimpy) had an interview in an animation magazine. In it he said that the reason most cartoons since the old school Looney Tunes had sucked was because writers, not animators, had been in charge of them.

Boy, was he right.

Portaxx - 2008-12-12

John K also says it's a shame that we don't draw black people with gigantic pink lips anymore. And that Halloween costumes today are hideous because they AREN'T plastic smocks with a character's face on them anymore. And that The Simpsons (yes, even the classic ones) is the worst cartoon ever made because he doesn't like the color scheme. The man is a nut.

Menudo con queso - 2008-12-12

At least he wasn't responsible for this unfunny, over-narrated, trite, derivative cartoon.

Portaxx - 2008-12-12

That's true, this cartoon isn't very good (meant to rate it lower, nice work me) but you can't really trust the opinions of that weirdo. He is made of crazy.

Chibisuke - 2008-12-12

I never realised it, but that's what made the old cartoons great, wasn't it? There wasn't a lot of talking. Or narration. In the old cartoons those carrots would simply have floated through space with no sound effect. And bugs would have simply glanced at the alarm clock in shock, or at most said "I'm late!".

Xenocide - 2008-12-13

John K is wrong anyway. Writers WERE responsible for the old Looney Tunes shorts. It's just that to save money, WB only hired writers who could also draw, so they both wrote and animated. Assuming that writing and animating are two mutually exclusive disciplines has always been one of his problems.

Besides, this cartoon is pure gold compared to any Ren and Stimpy episode made after the first season.

thebaronsdoctor - 2008-12-22

John K's blog is a fairly useful source for prospective animators and cartoonists, and the man occasionally has some decent insight. However that doesn't stop him from being a batshit crazy, embittered weirdo.

He's like that one friend who always picks up the tab at the bar but won't stop talking about how the Jews are destroying America.

TeenerTot - 2008-12-12

This animation lacks.

kennydra - 2008-12-13

Man, I starred this before watching it.. It seemed a LOT cooler when I was 7.

Still, nostalgia, because I remember loving this and then never seeing it again but for some reason it made a lasting impression on me. No one I knew ever remembered it, so I was excited to see it here. If I hadn't ever seen it I would probably give it 2 or 3 stars.

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