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Comment count is 15
kennydra - 2009-06-12

wtf is going on with that arm? i can't even tell what its SUPPOSED to look like.

Beyonce Knowles - 2009-06-12

I thought it was a penis at first.

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-06-12

With your silicone hump and your ten-inch stump
Dressed like a priest you was.

rustedmutt - 2009-06-13

Amniotic banding. It's the only explanation.

The Townleybomb - 2009-06-12

I have only the vaguest idea of what Scarlett Johansen looks like, but I'm pretty sure nobody ever did Chinese footbinding on her arm.

mashedtater - 2009-06-13

i know! he couldnt have looked at that and thought it looked good...could he?

Rabid Vegan - 2009-06-12


zatojones - 2009-06-12

I think you mean AMAZING!

BOOSH - 2009-06-12

Looks like this was the "inspiration" for the speed drawing

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-06-12

The preload image in the middle as a tantalizing glimpse of what is to come puts this over the top.

Cleaner82 - 2009-06-12

Jesus Christ, who uses the line tool to draw stuff?! Oh, this guy.

memedumpster - 2009-06-12

I understand the arm, but I am disappointed that "speed drawing" meant "sped up and edited after the fact drawing."

Charles - 2010-06-05

Can you enlighten me on the arm? Wtf is going on there?

StanleyPain - 2009-06-12

If by "Scarlett Johansson" you mean "Aeris"

8bitwintermute - 2009-06-13

i'm pretty sure every activity could be called "speed _______" if you edit the video to miss repetitive bits

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