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Comment count is 8
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-08-18

Rachel Maddow is fast becoming one of the clearest voices of reason on television. I love her because she's able to get in people's faces and show them to be hypocrites but in a totally lovable way.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-08-18

I want to disagree with you. I hate pundits, and people who put an agenda before the facts. But every time I see a clip with Maddow, she just seems so... reasonable.

chumbucket - 2009-08-18

Throw her and Larry O'Donnell in a tag team and watch the sparks fly

Bort - 2009-08-18

I wish Rachel would have taken a second to explain the MoveOn.org thing, because at present it's real easy to "prove" that she was "lying" by showing the video in question. (MoveOn.org asked for people to submit videos, someone submitted a stupid Nazi one, and MoveOn.org rejected it because that's not how things are done in this country.)

IrishWhiskey - 2009-08-18

Hmm, those are indeed some remarkably well presented and reasoned arguments from... the lesbian against the Dick Armey...


TheQuakeSoldier - 2009-08-18

I think you just nailed the joke in the video title. Keep up the good work.

Camonk - 2009-08-18

You can tell he wants to say something like Listen sweetheart, shut your trap, stop correcting me. I've hated Dick Armey for years, and I really hated when I lived in Texas. But I've always loved Rachel.

charmlessman - 2009-08-18

Rachel - "If you connect the dots, you and your organization are involved with people advocating violence."

Dick - "Ehbuhdeet ehbuhdeet ehbuhdeet that's all folks!"

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