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Comment count is 5
Mother_Puncher - 2011-02-19

Just like when Brad Pitt realized it was his wife's head in the box. Just. Like. That.

Comeuppance - 2011-02-19

Fake in a way that is not entertaining.

jangbones - 2011-02-19

You are mistaken, this is both real and incredibly entertaining

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-21

Hrm, I have to agree with you. That guys ass would be putting off a lot of moisture and heat. Not to mention that the guy would be breathing and such. And, with increased aural perception in the darkness I'm sure Sherlock would've figured it out really easily, before rubbing his nose on the ass at least. I smell something foul in this clip, indeed.

hammsangwich - 2011-02-20

Why does the smeller have to wear a unitard?

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