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Comment count is 8
Bobonne - 2015-11-23

Not what I was expecting, but plausibly 'Kinda Jerky Uncle' behavior without getting TOO creepy.

I mean, he ran off like a giggling schoolchild rather than ogling Kevin, at least. I could see one of my uncles doing that during Christmas when some of my cousins were that age.

Still, 5 for the accurately summed up 'wtf'.

infinite zest - 2015-11-23

Yeah.. I'm actually a little surprised that this would've gotten cut out: it seems like pretty standard John Hughes 80s/90s humor and goes along with the theme that Kevin wishes his family would disappear. Ah, simpler times.

il fiore bel - 2015-11-24

Maybe they were worried it made Uncle Frank look nice.

Spit Spingola - 2015-11-23

The McCallister's love The Incredible Melting Man...

gravelstudios - 2015-11-24

When his uncle calls him a little jerk, I remember being quite taken aback as a kid when I saw that. The idea of an adult saying something like that to a child was so foreign to me that I had absolutely no frame of reference.

infinite zest - 2015-11-24

Yeah same here, but once I got married I had an uncle-in-law I understand. I didn't mind that he gave me shit a lot about getting married too young, corrupting his niece, making fun of my vegan diet.. that's what uncles-in-law do, but I was like 22, so I could take it and laugh it off, but he'd also belittle his own kids and wife right in front of them when they came over for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Everybody else at the table's laughing and I'm just feeling really uncomfortable.. oh well.. thank god for that flask I brought..

Quad9Damage - 2015-11-25

"Home Alone" is pretty mean-spirited. A lot of the John Hughes filmography is in retrospect.

yogarfield - 2015-11-24

look what ya did ya little jerk

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