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Comment count is 11
The New Meat - 2016-02-28

This video literally has the same thesis as the DON'T DATE ROBOTS scarefilm from Futurama.

Xenocide - 2016-02-28

I forget, what was the name of Billy's planet?

Monkey Napoleon - 2016-02-28

*Billy Wests' Nixon impression voice* IT WAS EARTH!

Xenocide - 2016-02-28


*throws away his three hundred sex robots*

SolRo - 2016-02-29

Hey! Free sex bots!

Nominal - 2016-02-28

The extremes of both sides of this argument are so easily debunked by pointing out the shit hole nations where women have no power or rights.

"Women destroy nations!"

So why is Africa and the Middle East mostly shit holes?

"Revealing outfits on women in media is an attack on women and undermines their autonomy!"

So why are the women of the Middle East the most subjugated on the planet?

memedumpster - 2016-02-28

Not saying you're wrong and this person isn't pure cold human piss, but the video does specifically state he means women in Western civilization.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-02-28

I surrender, gladly.

StanleyPain - 2016-02-28

At this point you could watch nothing but videos of kittens playing and YT will put manbaby/anti-feminist/gamergater/MRA garbage in your recommended videos. Since next to screamy game stream videos they are basically the most common sort of content out there that gets noticeable hits, it's basically six degrees of separation from anything.

Bobonne - 2016-02-29

Yup. I fucking hate their system so much.

So much.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-02-29

I blame overpopulation. For most things these days

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