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Comment count is 10
baleen - 2016-03-24

Despite the SNLishness of this I guess it's funny.

Old_Zircon - 2016-03-24

That's how I feel about 2/3 of their material to be honest. It's a tribute to their talent that they're able to make as much of it work as they do.

Old_Zircon - 2016-03-24

The choice of movies makes this one.

GQ - 2016-03-24

I'm just sad we didn't get to hear his song for Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies

pastorofmuppets - 2020-11-03

The fact that there's only one song for both Armageddon and Deep Impact is a special kind of brilliance.

chumbucket - 2016-03-24

"It's gettin' legal y'all.."

blue vein steel - 2016-03-24

"I aint afraid of no 'stroid!"

twinkieafternoon - 2016-03-24

How dare they tease an Amistad song and sing Passion of the Christ instead?

blue vein steel - 2016-03-24

Yeah, i wanted to see his take on Gummo

pastorofmuppets - 2020-11-03

They didn't even put Cool Runnings on the list. Huge missed opportunity with the "dread"/ "sled" rhyme.

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