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Comment count is 6
Cheese - 2008-04-30

They both rip off the comic almost shot for shot, at least the movie paid Miller for the honor, S-Jack just stole it.

Innocent Bystander - 2008-04-30

I want a clip with the original audio plz.

AgentOrange - 2008-04-30

Oh god, seriously. I voted this up in the hopper just assuming it was the episode from the show. This is just awful though.

bac - 2008-04-30

what the fuck possesses people to do this...and on top of that submit it here.

garcet71283 - 2008-05-03

The episode was Jack and the Spartans.

Yes it was a 300 reference.

Yes it was better than the movie.

No they don't need to plaster "FRANK MILLER" over anything that references his work.

RandomFerret - 2008-06-14

It's hardly the first time. One could argue that the entire premise of Samurai Jack is lifted straight out of Ronin.

And yeah, for an entire episode based on 300, this video really could have found better clips.

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