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Comment count is 9
oddeye - 2008-07-29

I haven't ever met a single person that can stand watching him for more then 5 mins without throwing something at the telly.

Maybe thats why.

Syd Midnight - 2008-07-29

Stephen Fry is a handsome and intelligent gentleman, if that doesn't appeal to you, his show has 3 rotating comedians and Alan Davies. How can you go wrong?

baleen - 2008-07-29

I worship stephen fry and I will kill you.
I mean if you want to meet me that's fine.
I'm just saying I might kill you.

Randroid - 2008-07-29

I'm sure you know there are a lot of whole episodes available:

... and that these, unlike this clip, are extremely good.

baleen - 2008-07-29

Yup. I'm really just waiting for someone to upload the F Series. Seen the first five.

ghostdad - 2008-07-29

you'll have to wait until september, when F series actually airs

cognitivedissonance - 2008-07-29

Well I'll be sixes and sevens. PoeTV is losing its taste for brilliant but flawed pedants.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-07-29

not I!

Squeamish - 2010-06-08

Oh, I do want it, Stephen.

I do.

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